FX Swing Door is a full 4-way seal closure barrier with a simple to use locking system.
FX Swing Door opens either inwards into the protected premises and does not encroach on space outside of your home, or opens outwards if you prefer.
FX Swing Door is innovatively designed to be lifted when swung, so that the bottom gasket does not scrape against the floor when in use.
Made of aluminium alloy and finished with galvanized steel, the FX Swing Doors are long-lasting and durable. If there are larger openings, double leaf or multiple swing doors can also be used and combined together with removable columns.

For Windows, etc:
Height: From 300mm
Width: Up to 2000mm
For Doors: Single Leaf only
Height: 400mm to 2400mm
Width: Up to 1250mm
For Doors: Double Leaf (removable columns)
Height: 400mm to 2400mm
Width: Up to 6000mm
Structure & Frame: Aluminium Alloy EN AW-6060 T6
Finishing: Galvanised Steel
Gaskets: EPDM
Clamping Lever: Aluminium Alloy EN AW-6060 T6, with epoxy paint